When Rivals Go Too Far
The Other Team
Every team has their “other team” or rival. Nowadays, it seems like every team is the Dodgers rival, but I guess that’s what happens when you are the World Champions. You get flack from every hater out there. However, I am talking about long standing rivals that have stood the test of time. SF Giants vs. LA Dodgers, or NY Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox, or even Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers. These are epic rivals spanning generations and that can truly unite cities. Well, for the most part… if done properly.
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Bronx has been plagued with a few unfortunate events that have made headlines. Most recently a fan thought that baseball was a participation sport by running on to the field, followed by being tackled and then removed. I have to say, the tackle was epic and that security guard is awesome. The game was against the Phillies and we still have no idea why he did it, but dang… that tackle was pretty darn amazing for a baseball game. As one reporter put it, “At least this time it didn’t involve a ball being thrown at an opposing outfielder”, which takes us to our next unfortunate event and why this is about rivalries.
See, any time the Red Sox visit the Bronx it’s like SF visiting LA… or vice versa. Fans get super charged and bad things can happen. So, it’s no surprise that a Yankee fan would not want a souvenir ball from a Red Sox player. I like to call this Verdugo vs. The Ball. We have all heard the chants to throw the ball back when the opposing team hits one in the stands. Heck, I have chanted it too. However, I don’t think throwing it back was meant to be thrown at the player… and hit him. Chalk it up to miscommunication?
Lastly, we have a Yankee fan spitting on the 9 year-old daughter of the former Red Sox catcher, Jason Varitek, while she and her mother were on their way to their car after a game. They didn’t catch this person, because it was after hours; however, that’s pretty gross. Leave the families out of it.
So, this leads me to believe that the Yankees are cursed and no matter who plays in the Bronx will end up being rivals. Welcome to the world of the Dodgers. I feel as if they are the most hated team in baseball… currently.
The Backlash
So, with all this going on I like to read the comments section to get how people are feeling. The participation award does not go to the guy who ran on the field. By the way, his name is Leonardo Lertora-Leiva and he’ll be facing charges of criminal trespass. And fans are ok with this. He disrupted our baseball and deserves to be booted and banned. Now, our wannabe outfielder, name unknown (probably in witness protection from Verdugo), is officially banned for life from all MLB stadiums. Now, reading the comments about this event I am seeing some mixed things… and they are from Yankees fans. Some praising him, some admonishing him, some just bringing up politics because it’s a soapbox (I expect nothing less from the comments section)… regardless, it’s dangerous and should not have happened. If you don’t want the ball from the yucky rival team, then give it to a fan of that yucky rival team near you. Seriously, don’t be a douche.
Go Dodgers
Granted, some Dodgers fans are no angels (and I am NOT referring to the team), but I would rather be a Dodgers fan today than be a fan of any other team. I hear it every game I watch, “Beat LA”, in areas that I didn’t know hated LA. However, I guess heavy is the head that wears the crown… well the team that holds the title “World Champions”. We still have a lot of baseball left. So, sports fans… go forth and have fun.
Article contributed by Jamye Wagner, former Giants fan turned Dodgers fan.